me start of by saying this: Aisha Tyler is the worst person on Earth. That’s
quite a thing to say, yes, but I’m being honest. I swear she takes joy in
ruining fun, even more so than clowns do. She presented the Ubisoft press
conference and she ruined every second of it. Not to say that the content was
good, but my God was she terrible. She over-sexualised everything and told
awful jokes. When she says “Let’s play a game: how many times does Aisha get
girl wood?” my heart sinks and I go for the knife. This is probably the worst
conference so far. There was also some Toby guy who was trying to be funny but
I don’t know who he is nor do I think he was funny. (UPDATE: Ah, Tobuscus. I have seen him before, actually. Yeah, I've never thought he was funny.)
other words, this conference was terribly presented. But what about the
Just Dance 4
the conference started with a song and dance (literally) about Just Dance 4. I don’t think I could tell
you what the game has done to improve upon the previous games, but, like Usher,
they decided to concentrate more so on the celebrity. So, yeah, can’t talk to
much about this one.
Aisha Tyler
Aisha (talking about the dancing girls): “We’re
all a bit gay.”
off, Aisha!
Far Cry 3
this all started off with sexualisation. Well, Far Cry 3 should continue with this. In an attempt to show how
mature games have got we see gratuitous tits and swearing. EDGY! The game did
look quite pretty and I can imagine it’s pretty similar to Far Cry 2 (it looked like it). Oh, apart from these hallucination
sequences that were just a confusing mess. Not much was really shown about this
game, but it does seem to have stealth elements and highly scripted sequences.
and you can shoot tigers. Cool, I guess.
Splinter Cell: Blacklist
was shown here apart from a trailer. Microsoft showed more. The trailer did
seem to show that the game loses its stealth element for action, which is a
shame, really.
Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth
trailer was shown, but bugger me if I can tell you what the game’s about.
Rayman Legends
this was finally something interesting. Rayman
is going to be on the Wii U. It was nice to finally see a game on the Wii U,
and it appeared to make some very good use of the touch screen. It even used
motion control, but it was almost exactly like the controls used for New Super Mario Bros. Wii, so is nothing
particularly new.
thing that did annoy me is that Rayman
Origins had a very interesting 2D design to it, but Rayman Legends used a somewhat 3D look for some of the characters.
This just didn’t mesh with the overall design, in my eyes, and ruined the style
that made Origins so pleasing to the
eyes. There was some amazing sound design though in a musically themed level.
name, but it’s somewhat refreshing to see a game set in the UK. They only
showed a trailer with annoying music, but it might be something to keep your
eyes on if you’re into killing zombies (you are).
Wii U
was really shown here other than titles. Rabbids
Land, Your Shape Evolved, Sports
Connection, Just Dance 4 and Assassin’s
Creed III are all available on the Wii U. No gameplay shown, so nothing to
talk about. But wait, what was that last one?
Assassin’s Creed III
crap, gameplay! RUN!

seems pretty competent, with tree based movement looking wonderful, dynamic
movement in the snow and environment seeming a big part of the movement.
However, this was never part of stealth, because the gameplay showed no
stealth. This is a shame, as that seems to be something that would work well if
going through the woods to slaughter all the British.
okay, the Ubisoft people have said Americans will also be targets, but
everything so far seems so anti-British. I know this is always harped on by us
Brits, but all I want is some neutrality, really. That’s was the series has
always incorporated, but this seems so... agenda based.
the fuck was this? I cannot tell you anything about this game other than it
looks like Quake. The gameplay was
shown in a tournament style setting, like what you might get at Blizzcon. But
they introduced so much comedy!
DURR GURLZ VS BOIZ!!!” Aisha proclaims. Because that’s funny.
think video gaming is dead.
Watch Dogs
an interesting IP? A new IP? Bloody
hell, I might just die.
set in a somewhat generic cyberpunk world where everyone is connected to the
network. The gameplay shows and open world like GTA but with on-the-fly hacking a
la the new Syndicate or even Mindjack (but done well). The game seems
gritty, dark (in a good way) and seems to have a living and thriving world.
looks competent, the world looks pretty and the voice acting good. The
conference wasn’t worth this, but my God am I looking forward to this game.
Keep your eyes on this one, it might be a new hit.
Ending Thoughts
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